tu veux dire que le gars a placé la tête en live genre il a fait une composition et a déclenché après ?
Ok, personnellement cela ne me dérange pas, pourquoi ne pas pousser un peu la tête
ou la placé correctement, genre les yeux bien en face pour obtenir un meilleur cliché.
Cela reste un avis et une supposition car si ça se trouve il n'en est rien !
Decapitation of fly head by Salticus scenicus male jumping spider
GEAR : Sony a77 + Pentax 50mm 1.7 reversed + macro extension tubes
Here you can see how this male Salticus scenicus male jumping spider decapitates head of a fly. I have never seen this before. I have watched many jumping spiders eating a fly, but never seen that they decapitate their victims head until this male zebra jumper did it.
I was very lucky to have this shot, and that head came off in just right way to be able to take this shot.